2019-07-07 - Inuksuk


~4.5 mi @ ~13.8 min/mi

"Inuksuk!" says Keymaster, an Inuit word for the cairn of stones that he spies on a stump.

"Three Toad Stack!" responds K2, and describes how to calm amphibians and arrange them into a column, purportedly an Australian pastime.

"The Royal Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things!" suggests Roadkill, in a flashback to 1970-era Monty Python category-theoretic abstract nonsense. Sunday's Dawn Patrol starts at the Difficult Run parking lot and climbs a connector path into Great Falls National Park. Recent rains leave puddles to dodge, but the Swamp Trail is passable. A faux-tree cellphone tower by the Ridge Trail (cf 2016-10-15 - Great Falls Walkabout with Dr Mary) seems shorter, as do historic flood markers at the Potomac River overlook. We loop back via the Old Carriage Road and then take Difficult Run Trail to where, years ago, someone witnessed a child's super-scary fall on slippery rocks. "Her life and mine both flashed before my eyes!" Thank goodness no major injury that day!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-07-30